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Escorted Group Pilgrimages

Holy Land  |   Medjugorje  |   Lourdes  |   Shrines of Italy  |   Fatima  |   Camino de Santiago  |   Poland and Divine Mercy  |   Shrines of France  |   Our Lady of Guadalupe  |   Follow in the Footsteps of St. Paul  |  

fatima lourdes and medjugorje

pilgrimages to fatima lourdes and medjugorje pilgrimages to fatima lourdes and medjugorje pilgrimages to fatima lourdes and medjugorje


Please find a sample itinerary for fatima lourdes and medjugorje below.

There are currently no departures scheduled for this itinerary. If you would like to discuss bringing a group to fatima lourdes and medjugorje then please contact us at [email protected] outlining your wishes.

Pilgrimage Itinerary

*It is our intention to follow the itinerary as outlined above, however due to many factors like local holidays, traffic or weather conditions it may be necessary to make changes to the order of events or even the cancelation of certain events.


Marian Pilgrimages, Dublin
38/39 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
[email protected]


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