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Fully Covered & Fully Insured

Our new Specialist Pilgrimage Insurance with added COVID cover

We understand that there may be some concerns around Covid when booking your pilgrimage. Having an insurance policy is a must for any of our pilgrimages. We have teamed up with Blue Insurance to offer you a specialised pilgrimage policy that will take into account the uncertainty over Covid, so you’re taking peace of mind with you wherever you go.

Reserve Your Pilgrimage with Peace of Mind with Specialist Pilgrimage insurance cover with COVID protection

  • Medical Expenses covered if you or your traveling companions are diagnosed with Covid-19 abroad.

  • Additional expenses abroad if you need to extend your stay abroad due to Covid-19 diagnosis.

full policy documents here



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Marian Pilgrimages, Dublin
38/39 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
[email protected]


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